Thursday, August 20, 2009

冼孟豪師傅 - 飛鴻扇

冼孟豪師傅 - 吳式太極劍

冼孟豪師傅 - 吳式太極玄玄刀

Hello World!

Welcome to the new official website of Taichi Club,HKUSTSU. In previous year, due to the difficulty to maintain the website, the update was not very active. So in this year, we reorganize our website. Later, announcement will be released in this blog. Photos and video will be also uploaded as supplement to practice. The blog also serve for a platform f communication between members, committee members and alumni.

Please visit website frequently and feel free to give comment.


General Secretary of Taichi Club,HKUSTSU

歡迎來到新的科大太極學會Blog。以往由於網頁維護比較困難,網站更新緩慢,以至人流稀少,失去原有的作用。在今年,網站進行改革,改以blog 的形式運作。以後的通告將會於這裡公報。此外,練習相片和影片也會作這裡發放,也會把網上相關的資料轉貼到此方便各位參考。希望各位會員和師兄師姐能以此 為交流平台,討論太極或者其他有趣的話題。


General Secretary of Taichi Club,HKUSTSU